Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Welcome to the Other Maldives!

May we first convey our warmest facilitations to the first democratic president of the Maldives, Mr. Nasheed? We are pleased to see a new administration in place, even after 30 years! This has been only possible because of the courage and determination of people like you.

Everyone of us had worked hard for this day. This has been our dream. But we do not want the past to reoccur as it did for Mr. Maumoon. Our forefathers welcomed him wholeheartedly and rejoiced when he took the oath of the presidency only to realise it was a big mistake after several years. Because of the greed for the power and comfortable life as a president Mr. Maumoon could not follow the footsteps of the former ruler, Mr Nasir. We all know Mr. Nasir completed 2 terms of office as the president and let the people choose another leadership even when he could have stayed over.

At this point we must also realise Mr. Maumoon has been spoiled because of the people around him. They praised him too much; he believed he never made a mistake and was nearly infallible. Mr President Nasheed, do understand we will only praise you when we have to and only to promote just and right.


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