Saturday, November 29, 2008

ހަފްތާގެ މުހިއްމު ހަބަރުތައް:

§ ނޮވެމްބަރު 3 ގެ އުދުވާނީ ހަމަލާއާ ގުޅިގެން މަރަން ހުކުމްކުރި އަބްދުﷲ ޝާހިދަށް ޑިފެންސްގެ ސްޓޭޓް މިނިސްޓަރުކަން ދެއްވައިފި: ހަވީރު ނޫސް

§ ރިސޯޓުތަކާއި ބިންތައް 50 އަހަރަށް ކުއްޔަށް ދިނުމާ ދެކޮޅު ހެދުމުގެ ގޮތުން މުޒާހަރާއެއް ބާއްވައިފި: ހަވީރު ނޫސް

§ ފަހަލަ ސައީދު އުމުރަށް ޖަލަށް ލުމަށް ޖިނާއީ ކޯޓުން ކުރި ހުކުމް ހައިކޯޓުން ބާތިލުކޮށް އޭނާ މިނިވަން ކޮށްފި: ހަވީރު ނޫސް

§ ރީތިރަށަށް އަރާ 13 މީހަކު ހައްޔަރު ކޮއްފައިވަނީ ހޯމް މިނިސްޓަރުގެ ލަފާގެ މަތިންކަމަށް ފުލުހުން ބުނެފި: ޖަޒީރާ ނޫސް

§ ފަތުރުވެރިކަމުގެ ދާއިރާގައި މަސައްކަތްކުރާ 200 އަށްވުރެ ގިނަ މުއައްޒަފުން ނުކުމެ ޓޫރިޒަމް މިނިސްޓަރާއި ރައީސް ގެ އިސްތިއުފާއަށް ގޮވައިފި: ރާއްޖެ ޑެއިލީ


Anonymous said...

y is do n ndo n bushry keeping quite on this issue? opposition turnd pro n keeping silent?

Anonymous said...

Its time to quit the coalition. Hassan Saeed, Ibra, Quit the coalition.

Let Anni be the poodle of Gasim.

Anonymous said...

The best thing would be, for Ibra and Hassan saeed to stay in the coalition and and fight Anni & MDP's sell off policies to the businessmen.

Anonymous said...

Anneh Golhaabo is arresting protesters in Reethi Rah and firing the people from their jobs just for asking for the implementation of Employment law .

So this is what the peoples government do.

Foahmullah people dont get brainwashed by Anneh Golhaabo Anni again, i heard he is visiting your island today.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 7:42 AM

Bushry is not posting comments now or censoring it. I am unable to post any comment on his blog now.

I think he is just a sold out, may be he already got the post as a state minister.

And the NDO and Do are are joke now. What is happening to median.

Lol Anneh Golhaabo is giving us peoples government and implementing Democracy and empowering people.

This government is failing, i dont thik you can correct a person with giving Naseyhai whether is Golhaabo or Anneh Golhaabo

Anonymous said...

bushry is v biasd toward govt n mdp. cant he put national interest b4 all this?

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